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Script/Young Sheldon

[S01 E13] Young Sheldon 영어 표현 및 영한 대본, script

by 진펭귄 2023. 12. 4.


Young Sheldon S01 E13 A Sneeze, Detention, and Sissy Spacek




메드퍼드를 강타한 독감의 계절.

셸던은 독감에 걸리지 않으려고 극단의 조치를 취했다가 방과 후에 남아야 하는 벌을 받는다. 





스크립트 다운로드는 아래에 있습니다^^



A simile directly compares two things, 직유는 두 가지를 직접 비교하는 건데

simile 직유


I slept like a log. 통나무처럼 잤다



▶ I'm hungry as a horse. 말같이 배고프다



Moving on. 넘어가자



whatever nasal irritant floats your boat. 다양한 코의 자극으로 얼마든지 킁킁댈 수 있으니까


a second sneeze means a plague is upon the land  두 번째 재채기는 전염병이 코앞에 왔다는 뜻이고



it's every man for himself. 자기 목숨은 자기가 챙겨야 한다



Away from you. 선생님한테서 멀어지려고요



Get back in your seat. 자리로 돌아가

get back to > in


You can't leave without a hall pass. 통행 허가증 없으면 못 나가



when he willfully disobeys the order of a teacher, 교사의 지시를 일부러 무시하면

willfully 일부러


That seems a little harsh. 좀 심한 것 같은데



▶ my principal used to whup my ass with a paddle. 우리 교장 선생님은 노로 엉덩이를 후려치셨어



▶ That got my attention. 덕분에 정신 차렸죠 



But these days you have to have a consent form to whack the kids. 하지만 요즘에는 체벌하려면 동의가 필요하죠



when Georgie acts up. 조지가 반항하면



▶ Sheldon in detention 셸든이 방과 후에 남는다니



That is a legitimate concern. 그건 타당한 걱정이야



▶ And now he's in danger of being mugged by a roomful of hoodlums.

이제 불량아가 가득한 방에서 뜯기게 생겼어



Although it might not hurt to give Sheldon a few dollars to buy himself some protection.

혹시 모르니 셸든한테 몇 달러 쥐여 줘. 그래야 자기 몸을 지키지.


Get lost. 이제 꺼져



▶ It's confusing. 헷갈린다



that is no party. 그것도 고역이야



It's like a mental hospital on wheels. 바퀴 달린 정신 병원 같달까?



no horseplay. 장난 금지



something is going around. 심상치 않긴 해



▶ I actually had a little tickle in my throat. 나도 목이 간질간질했거든



Rickets? Rabies? 구루병, 광견병?



Early-onset menopause? 조기 폐경?



but he has become overly concerned with getting a cold or the flu.

감기나 독감에 걸리는 걸 과하게 걱정해서요



▶ runny nose, achy, 콧물이나 통증이나



we're getting off the subject. 얘기가 딴 데로 새네요



you should know that. 더 잘 아실 텐데요



Even if you did get the flu, it's usually over in a week. 진짜 독감에 걸려도 보통 일주일이면 낫거든



we should wrap this up. 여기서 마무리하죠



▶ I take precautions. 예방하거든



▶ We're ignoring this? 이거 못 본 척하자고? 



Sucker. 멍청이



an unusually early flu season is buffeting the country.

이례적으로 독감이 평년보다 빠르게 전국적으로 들끓고 있습니다



Doctors say the strain, originating in China, is particularly severe.

의료계에서는 중국발 독감이 특히 심각하다고 합니다



▶ Children and the elderly are most at risk. 유아동과 노인이 특히 취약하죠



why are you still up? 왜 아직 안 자?



it's working! 효과가 있네요



▶ In the Bible, that's called a hedge of protection. 성경에서는 이걸 보호막을 두른다고 해



▶ put him to work. 일 시키세요



Good parenting. 좋은 양육 방식이네요



you were due. 그럴 때도 됐지



What on earth? 또 뭐야?



▶ I can make out of Legos. 더 필요한 건 레고로 만들 수 있죠



In case of a breach. 보호막이 뚫릴지도 모르니까요



Just when you think he's gonna zig, you get a big old zag. 별난 짓을 기가 막히게 한다니까



It's ridiculous. 가지가지 한다



▶ he can always go potty in the sink. 변기 대신 싱크대 쓰면 되고



I'll take the kids to school. 난 애들 등교시킬게



self-sustaining 자급자족



▶ I'll fertilize with my own feces. 제 배설물을 비료로 쓸 거고요



This just gets better. 갈수록 가관이네



This is not a show. 구경났어요?



▶ please come on out. 부탁이니까 나와



I think the saddest part about it is just how sad it is.

진짜 슬픈 게 너무 슬프다는 거야



▶That's it. I've had enough of this nonsense. 더는 못 참아



You come here right this instant! 당장 여기로 와



Mind if I take a crack at catching the Road Runner? 내가 한번 잡아 봐?



▶ Of course we'd whack off their heads with a golf club. 물론 골프채로 머리를 날려 버렸지만



Listen to me, buster. 잘 들어, 이 녀석아



▶ You are a lot of things, 너는 진짜 놀라운 아이야



because they're Texans through and through. 뼛속까지 텍사스 사람이거든.



▶ my meemaw successfully lured me back into the world. 성공적으로 날 세상 밖으로 유인해 냈다.



Albeit a true son with an incredibly fragile immune system. 면역 체계가 놀랍도록 연약한 아들이었지만!



a head packed full of mucus. 콧물이 줄줄 흘렀다



there was a silver lining. 나쁘지만은 않았다





영셸든 1시즌 13화 대본



도움이 되셨다면 공감 부탁드려요👍
